Recruit Media Arts Educators/Supporters

We are serving "all learners of media arts" across the U.S.! We are serving all teachers of media arts! This is across K12 media arts, other arts, CTE, teaching artists, supporting individuals and organizations. We are encouraging them to join us in this effort to establish MAE!

We are officially organizing for the National Youth Media Arts Education Expo/Festival! 

Teaching artists can be found by searching for "out of school arts organizations your area"

K12 and CTE Teachers who teach some sort of media arts - (media, digital arts, tech, computer sci, visual/media, dance, theatre, etc. 

Click on your state. Click on Course Finder tab. Choose media arts courses. It will list all schools with those courses. Look up school website for contacts. 

If not listed, encourage state to use national SCEDs codes for media arts.

Once members connect. Meet with them, find ways to support and work with them. Eventually, you may want to form a group and nominate a representative.