August 9, 2024
OPEN NAMAE Webinar - Thursday, September 12, 2024, 7 - 8pm ET - PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN TIME!
Updates and MAE Webinar - sharing/discussing media arts edu topics and media. JOIN US!
(NAMAE Meetings will regularly be the 2nd Thursday of each month). RSVP Below to receive a link.
We will be sharing an interview with David Block, veteran ROP/CTE educator and graphic designer, and manager of Facebook Group - Digital Media Arts Teachers of the World and author of the The Dragon’s Guide to Graphic Design
NAMAE Grassroots Fundraiser - Seeking the support of this community for our work. Look forward to a special email campaign.
NAMAE Online Convention 2025 - Beginning the planning process
Next NAMAE Webinar - Dr. Steve Guynup - Virtual Reality Poetry, and basic VR concepts and tools
SXSW EDU 2025 - Please VOTE for our, and our media arts partners' submissions! DEADLINE IS AUGUST 18!
Media Arts Can Transform Education
Start With Art: STEAM Learning with Paper Circuits
Space Suits in Progress: Sewable Electronics
Reclamation City: A Digital Twin Project
Saving Lives with Storytelling, AI, and Immersive Experience
NCAS DEI Advisory - Phase II - Our media arts teacher cohort is beginning to study the Guidance Standards Revision Document to revise their lessons for Cultural Relevance, Anti-Ableism and Student Centeredness. This will lead to feedback on our National Media Arts Standards and their next revision.
The National Arts Edu Orgs Policy Advocacy Partnership (still figuring out a name!) - Joint webinar presentation - Tentatively scheduled for September 10, 7pm ET
State of Media Arts Education - still in development, we are trying to get more data from state leaders. Share any information you have!
NAMAE State Affiliates - We are beginning to determine the structures by which we create state affiliates, regional chapters and memberships.
We have a revised logo! Thanks to the PR Committee and particularly Betty Lee for their work on this!
NO NEED TO RSVP AGAIN IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY, as you will be on our Involved list. OPEN means that anyone is invited to attend.
July 29, 2024
OPEN NAMAE Meeting/Webinar - Thursday, August 8, 2024, 6:30pm - 7:30 ET
Updates and MAE Webinar - sharing/discussing media arts edu topics and media. JOIN US!
(NAMAE Meetings will regularly be the 2nd Thursday of each month). RSVP Below to receive a link.
We will be interviewing Barbara Liedahl, NAMAE’s Secretary and Treasurer, who just recently retired from her media arts specialist position in Prince George’s County Public Schools in Maryland. Congrats Barbara!! And welcome to “retirement”. : )
Also, discussing Dain’s book on media arts education, forthcoming from Routledge, and the topic of Conflict of Interest, which the NAMAE Board has been discussing.
State of Media Arts Education - We are writing a summary document on our current progress and the strategy to achieve our Initiative objectives. Your support and participation are critical to our success!
Share your own information, ideas and perspective! Join in the conversation!
Next Month NAMAE Webinar - September 12 - See our interview with David Block, veteran ROP/CTE educator and graphic designer, and manager of Facebook Group - Digital Media Arts Teachers of the World and author of the The Dragon’s Guide to Graphic Design
Future Webinars: Media Arts and XR/emerging media, Media Literacy, Media Arts and AI. Media Arts Edu Program Development.
NCAS DEI Advisory - We are proud and excited to announce our Media Arts Lead Teachers who will develop culturally responsive lesson plans, based on the DEI Advisory’s Recommendations document. Warm welcome to:
Beth Bachuss, Alex Bodnar, Cynthia Herrera, Chrissy LaMaster, Libby McArthur, George Reyes, Chay Ross, Haley Sipsock, Jamal Speakes, and Jordyne Vanselow! We are looking forward to meeting and working with you!
NCAS' Revision of National Arts Standards is in the beginning of planning. Stay tuned.
NAMAE’s Fundraising Committee will soon be making a direct appeal to this community to make small donations! We need your help!
NAMAE State Affiliates - We are beginning to determine the structures by which we create state affiliates, regional chapters and memberships. Meet with your local media arts educators (and report back to us) to get this started!
NAMAE 1st Online Convention 2025 - Start thinking of what you want to see/experience, and what you might present! Organizing begins in October, 2024.
Arts Ed Org Policy Alliance - Submit your letter of support for arts education here!!
The house appropriations committee approved its FY25 proposal for Labor-HHS-Education funding, which not only slashes Title I funding by 25%, but also proposes the complete elimination of Title II funding. In addition to slashing funding for two of the Department of Education’s most vital programs, the current proposal would eliminate the only Department of Education program focused on supporting the arts, the Assistance for Arts Education (AAE) program. To rationalize the elimination of AAE, the appropriation committee’s report stated “funding provided by the Department should be focused on core education such as reading, writing, and math”. This rationalization ignores the well-rounded focus of ESSA, as well as the benefits the arts provide across subject areas.
MEDIA ARTS INSTRUCTORS NEEDED - OTIS COLLEGE LA, CA and remote - Access: A Netflix x Otis Entertainment Program - First consideration apply by July 29 TODAY!
June 21, 2024
OPEN NAMAE Meeting - Thursday, July 11, 2024, 6:30pm - 7:30 ET
Updates and MAE Webcast Development - sharing/discussing media arts edu topics and media. JOIN US!
(NAMAE Meetings will regularly be the 2nd Thursday of each month). RSVP Below to receive a link.
6/20 NAMAE Open Meeting UPDATES
DEI Advisory - OPEN CALL FOR TEACHERS IS CLOSED! We are now vetting candidates and will announce Lead Teachers in mid-July. These teachers will develop culturally relevant revisions of their own chosen lesson plan, to be taught in the Fall. They’ll use the DEI Advisory panel’s guidance document for revision of National Arts Standards. Eventually, this will lead to the next major revision of national arts standards, including media arts. Media arts may have a prominent role in this revision, as all of the arts will be considering the increasing role of technology in their disciplines.
SB 1341 - California’s media arts legislation, unanimously passed the Senate vote. It is now “on consent” and will be bundled with other unopposed bills. This means it will almost certainly pass!
All 5 National Arts Education Organizations Join Forces to Advance Federal Policy Goals! See the current legislative agenda.
Massachusetts is developing its media arts program, and intends to develop a “media arts endorsement”, which can be added to existing licenses.
S. Korea - As part of their consideration of media arts education, is piloting a summer media arts camp, and is hiring professional media artists as teachers.
Washington state is beginning to organize a media arts education association.
NAMAE’s Fundraising Committee is getting assistance from Young Audiences, the CA Community Foundation, Americans for the Arts and others.
Partnerships and Collaborations -
We are exploring a partnership with CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology), which is promoting their principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). You’ll notice that MAE is totally aligned with these guidelines in its capacity to reshape the core curriculum through multimodal facility for all students’ alternative access and application. We are working with Luis Perez, whom I’ll be interviewing as part of our NAMAE Webcast.
We are beginning to explore a possible collaboration with Nonny de la Pena, “Godmother of VR”, in the integration of virtual reality in K12 classrooms. Stay tuned as we learn more about how this exciting and groundbreaking initiative will proceed.
NAMAE Webcast Topics and Media - Please join us at the next Open Meeting and share a topic and/or media! We will be conducting interviews as well, and everyone is encouraged to start developing content. We will also begin organizing our own YouTube Channel with selected content. This is a precursor to the formation of our own convention, hopefully, by Fall 2025! Imagine the greatest MAE convention!
Last night, we had a great conversation around the issue of cell phone bans. We weighed the pros and cons of phones in the classroom, and whether phones shouldn't be allowed exceptions for media arts production. Amy Liu (music technology) made the great point that the larger question was about media arts education’s central role in negotiating technology and media literacies, which gets to the root of the problem and is a more empowering solution. Gayle Nichols Ali (visual/media) recommended that MAE recognize and integrate students’ authentic practices in social media, such as TikTok, as a more effective approach to literacy. Betty Lee, Annie Azzarati, and Margaret Mealia, also added insightful commentary. And deepest apologies for neglecting to include Dr. Tequila Kurth's contributions in the email update, where she explained her media arts schools' phone policy. It seemed well balanced in preventing the constant distraction, and allowing students' access as necessary. NAMAE needs to develop policy statements on this and other items.
NYMAEX IS NOW OPEN! National Youth Media Arts Expo - If you have student media artworks or an exhibition to share, you may now post your link on our webpage.
MEDIA ARTS RESOURCE PAGE - Do you have a resource to share with other media arts educators? - website, publication, tool, organization, lesson, etc
NAMAE Help Out! Page - All the ways you can support and assist our organization and mission.
Contact us if you want to assist, or want a leadership role, or to develop your leadership capacities! Media arts will inevitably grow, with many more opportunities to lead in curriculum, professional and organizational development!
ISTE 2024, June 23-6 - Barbara Liedahl, NAMAE Secretary and Treasurer, will be presenting!
NAMLE CONFERENCE 2024 July 12, 13, 2024 - is the largest professional development conference dedicated to media literacy education in the U.S. From Pre-K to Higher Education, Community Education and Libraries, the conference provides valuable resources, technology, teacher practice and pedagogy, assessments, and core concepts of media literacy education. Just a few of the Breakouts:
-Media Literacy in the Face of AI: Multimodality Learning
-Imagining Equity: Marching Towards Justice through the Power of Media
-Breaking Bias: Media Literacy in the Generative Age
NO NEED TO RSVP AGAIN IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY, as you will be on our Involved list. OPEN means that anyone is invited to attend.
Please send us any updates or news that is relevant to Media Arts Education!
June 5, 2024
OPEN NAMAE Meeting - Thursday, June 20, 2024, 6:30pm - 7:30 ET
Updates and MAE Webcast Development - sharing/discussing media arts edu topics and media. All topics considered! JOIN US!
(This meeting is the 3rd Thursday!; NAMAE Meetings will regularly be the 2nd Thursday of each month). RSVP Below to receive a link.
5/30 NAMAE Open Meeting UPDATES
OPEN CALL FOR MEDIA ARTS TEACHERS AND TEACHING ARTISTS! Apply by June 14 to revise and teach a culturally relevant lesson. Stipend!
SB 1341 - California’s media arts legislation, HAS UNANIMOUSLY PASSED THE SENATE - 37-0 and is now is "On Consent" - It is bundled with all other unopposed legislation and voted on en masse. Therefore, it will almost certainly pass! This bill will establish “media arts” as an official arts subject in Ed Code, along with the other arts.
All 5 National Arts Education Organizations Join Forces to Advance Federal Policy Goals!
Ohio has now adopted new arts standards. Inclusion of media arts standards may allow for media arts’ licensure = Full Establishment!
Massachusetts is developing its media arts program.
S. Korea - Brought Dain to speak about media arts and is seriously considering integrating it!
PR/Marketing Committee has begun branding NAMAE
Fundraising Committee has begun investigating resources and funders for NAMAE
NAMAE Webcast Topics and Media - We are beginning to exhibit and examine media arts education. Please join us at the next Open Meeting and share a topic and/or media!
High School Multimedia Academy Promo Video - Dain Olsen
Prince George’s County Public Schools - Award Winning Film - Barbara Liedahl
San Diego Unified’s 'Magnifying Media Arts’ program to assist struggling schools - Lori Sokolowski
New York State Media Arts Teacher’s Association (NYSMATA) media arts education newsletter - Margaret Mealia
NYMAEX IS NOW OPEN! National Youth Media Arts Expo - If you have student media artworks or an exhibition to share, you may now post your link on our webpage.
MEDIA ARTS RESOURCE PAGE - Do you have a resource to share with other media arts educators? - website, publication, tool, organization, etc
NAMAE Help Out! Page - All the ways you can support and assist our organization and mission. Email us if you want to assist!
FREE MEDIA ARTS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Registration ends soon, and spaces are limited! From Barbara Liedahl
Pathfinders Summer Institute course: "Take Me to the Moon and Back: Electronic Textiles."
Learn how to program a microcontroller, practice your newly acquired coding skills, and create an e-Textile project that integrates electronics and sensors. Sewable electronics combine traditional craft processes (sewing, fashion design, and textile design) with electrical engineering, computer science, and hardware skills. All attendees will receive a Circuit Playground Express Advanced Pack from Adafruit and will have access to a wide variety of art and craft materials to make your project idea a reality - YouTube video introducing the course. FREE for public school teachers, librarians, and technology coaches, including free materials.
NO NEED TO RSVP AGAIN IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY, as you will be on our Involved list. OPEN means that anyone is invited to attend.
May 5, 2024
OPEN NAMAE Meeting - Thursday, May 30, 2024, 6:30pm - 7:30 ET
Updates, discussing various issues, and working on the Convention and Webinar projects described below.
Attendees are invited to share a sample of content relevant to media arts education - <5 min max - all topics considered
NAEA24 - Our first physical convening as NAMAE was a great success! Thanks to those who joined us, and to NAEA and their management team for hosting us. We made quite a few new and renewed connections at the conference. We presented and attended various media arts offerings. We experienced new and unusual approaches to media arts. We had meaningful, rich conversations about media arts education. We discussed various educators' situations, shared expertise on program development, and supported new teachers in their understanding of the discipline. We felt that this professional development began to meet the needs of media arts educators that they had not experienced before, and that they truly appreciated it. Finally, we gained more insight into our relationship and potential formal partnership with NAEA. .
NYMAEX IS NOW OPEN! National Youth Media Arts Expo - If you have student media artworks to share, you may now post your link on our webpage.
MEDIA ARTS RESOURCE PAGE - Do you have a resource to share with other media arts educators? - website, publication, tool, organization, etc
NATIONAL OPEN CALL for PK-12 Media Arts Teachers and Teaching Artists to develop a culturally relevant lesson - APPLY HERE NOW!
NAMAE Convention 2025 - We are beginning to plan and form working committees. Please join us at the Open Meeting!
NAMAE Webcast - We are beginning to plan and develop a monthly event to exhibit and examine media arts education. Please join us at the Open Meeting!
NAMAE Help Out! Page - All the ways you can support and assist our organization and mission
NO NEED TO RSVP AGAIN IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY, as you will be on our Involved list. OPEN means that anyone is invited to attend.
November 15, 2024
MAE FIELD SURVEY regarding this professional association: interest in involvement, benefits, dues, educator needs.
EDUCATORS SURVEY - details on your situation will help us to develop this association to better serve the field. (Including: K12 teacher, other arts, out-of-school, teaching artist, CTE, tech, part-time, computer science, other categories)
Notes from 10th MAC Meeting:
NCAS - DEI Advisory Panel - Pause on educator recruitment until Steering Committee determines details
NAEA Convention 2024 April - MAE Historic 1st Physical Convening! Register Now!
Co-owned by NAEA/NAMAE; Not ‘closed’; All invited to attend! Hoping for a great event!
10 year anniversary of National Media Arts Standards; 35 yrs - Minnesota originated MAE!
NAEA - 10 years of including/servicing media arts; Arts & Media Tech Group?
Networking; MAE status, context, possibilities; Breakouts by disciplines, regions, issues/ideas
National Youth Media Arts Edu Expo (NYMAEX) - start in January with webpage listing all US exhibitions. Share your students’ work!
Representatives’ Updates
CA MAE Legislation- Speaker Emeritus Rendon will enthusiastically support MAE proposal for legislation - author? Thanks Glenna Avila!
KQED/PBS Partnership - 2nd meeting - several points of collaboration and alignment. Their educator resources.
National Association for Media Arts Education (NAMAE)
NMAEA, NMAE, NOMAE, AAMAE These acronyms just weren’t working.
Due to our small size; need for flexibility in governance; fluctuating participation; need to develop outreach, membership structures, services and resources, we are starting without membership governance structures
Olsen will serve as incorporator, filing documents in CA and getting the initial organization up and running.
DRAFT Bylaws & Incorporation docs posted for comment -
"Initial directors" are appointed. Serve 1 year, meet 4x
First NAMAE Board Meeting in mid-December or January - Adopt bylaws, appoint officers, organize development
Nominate self or other for director or officer - President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer
Deadline: November 30
Director Qualifications - Collegiality, flexibility and commitment to support, promote and advance the NAMAE and its mission, as demonstrated in service and/or resources.
501c3 App is next, but we are now 501c3 under fiscal sponsorship, Young Audiences
Attend the next MAC meeting! or support in other ways to advance media arts education for all learners and educators!
RSVP at NO NEED TO RSVP AGAIN IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY, as you will be on our Involved list. OPEN means that anyone is invited to attend. Meeting recordings and notes posted at Connect / Media Arts Committee.
October 19, 2023
Media arts education will soon be incorporated, and then the 501c3 application submitted to the IRS. It takes about 9 or 10 months for that. Late 2024?
Although we will be officially incorporated, with officers and a board, we will still be in ‘start-up’ mode. This ‘interim’ development period will last awhile before we gain full formal organization, including funding, memberships, dues, state affiliates and a full convention and national exhibition. Our goal is to eventually mirror the other national arts education orgs, and to continue supporting media arts' establishment in K12 education. You do know that we already have 501c3 status? You can DONATE to us right now! Even $1.00 would be so appreciated to reach our goals!
OUR NAME? And a field survey regarding this professional association. PLEASE DO THE SURVEY!
Our original idea for the name was the National Media Arts Education Association (NMAEA). My sister thinks the acronym doesn’t work.
How about National Association for Media Arts Education (NAMAE) “Nay-may”? Or is there a better name? Society? Coalition? Organization? - NOMAE? Alliance? American Alliance for MAE (AAMAE)? Media Arts Education(al) Association MAEA “may-ah”. Do we even need “National"? Check out the other Arts Orgs -
VOTE FOR THE NAMAE HERE! As well as answer several other survey questions regarding our organizational development! THANKS!
JOIN US - WED, NOV. 15, 6:30pm ET; 3:30pm PT (we may shift times occasionally to accommodate coasts and Hawaii)
I am starting an informal zoom webinar/podcast every 3rd Wednesday of the month for open conversations around media arts and education - discussions, interviews, panels, professional development, org ideas, brainstorming sessions, exhibiting student work, lesson and project sharing, artist visits.
Think of this as an incubator/ think tank/ professional learning session towards shaping our organization and our understanding of and support for the discipline. What are your latest media arts experiences? What do teachers and educators need right now? What do learners need and how do we deliver it? What are connections we need to make? What are our best practices? How do we organize ourselves to serve the field? What problem(s) are you facing in your classroom or out of school program? What solutions have you found? What are emerging ideas and issues for the field? Whom should we interview? Do you want to be interviewed, or organize a panel? Show us your program/classroom! What are the latest trends and research?
Notes from 9th MAC Meeting:
Continued Working Committees
Equity Inclusion Advisory - Process and timeline have been sketched out.
NAEA/ MAE Mini-Convention 2024 - NAEA is hosting our meeting. Join us! The basic considerations for a convening have been outlined. Hoping many can attend!
NMAEA - Completing Bylaws and Incorporation documents. 501c3 application to come.
NYMAEX (National Youth Media Arts Ed Expo)
Start simple, basic with a webpage. Recruit and post all schools/orgs
We have a quote for basic web application that needs to be studied.
Online Social Community Network - TBD. Investigate applications and online groups to support peer to peer to org networks to instantly galvanize our organization
Capacity (people/resources)- Measure / Build - TBD. How do we measure and build our capacity?
Other: KQED/PBS Partnership - We had an initial meeting to explore a possible partnership with KQED/PBS San Francisco. This could align with and complement several aspects of our developing organization, including NYMAEX, professional development, media literacy certification, etc. Check out their great educator resources!
Attend the next MAC meeting! or support in other ways to advance media arts education for all learners and educators!
RSVP at NO NEED TO RSVP AGAIN IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY, as you will be on our Involved list. OPEN means that anyone is invited to attend. Meeting recordings and notes posted at Connect / Media Arts Committee.
September 15, 2023
Notes from 8th MAC Meeting:
Representatives’ Updates
CA - Pending analysis CA Dept of Education; Help needed! Contact Dain Olsen
MD - Prince George’s Co. - New media arts admin. position
Reviewed National Media Arts Edu Association (NMAEA) organization components/goals 1-3 years
Began Action Planning w/ Working Committees to achieve the above goals.
Equity Inclusion Advisory - Need open-call process to recruit 8 Teachers and produce Model Lessons
NAEA Mini-Convention 2024 - The National Art Education Association has offered the opportunity to stage a Media Arts event at their convention in April.
NMAEA - We are still working on Bylaws, and now including everything for the Non-Profit, 501c3 application
NYMAEX (Youth Media Arts Expo)
Start simple, basic with a webpage. Recruit and post all schools/orgs
We have received a quote for a basic web app to automate this process - $3000 - 2 Weeks
YouTube codes (all forms: e.g. photo, video, music, game, design, etc.) would be shared from local schools/orgs to Regional/State curators. Then shared to National curator(s).
Online Social Community Network - Investigate applications and online groups to support peer to peer to org networks to instantly
Capacity (people/resources)- Measure / Build - How do we measure and build our capacity?
Our partners at the National Association for Media Literacy Education want to hear from all media arts educators!
Please take 15 minutes to complete the 2023 State of Media Literacy Education survey and a get a chance to win awesome merch! Survey closes 9/30.
Attend the next meeting! RSVP at NO NEED TO RSVP AGAIN IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY, as you will be on our Involved list. OPEN means that anyone is invited to attend. Meeting recordings and notes posted at Connect / Media Arts Committee.
August 11, 2023
OPEN Media Arts Committee Meeting # 8 - Thursday, September 14, 2023, 6:30pm ET
(MAC Meetings will regularly be the 2nd Thursday of each month). RSVP Below to receive a link.
Notes from 7th MAC Meeting:
National Coalition for Arts Standards
Equity and Inclusion Advisory Panel - Welcome to Media Arts Representatives!
Mike Uwandi, Concept Artist, 9B Collective, BRIC Foundation
Lekia Thorpe, Media Arts Teacher, Rocky River HS, Charlotte, NC
National Art Education Association - Possible Media Arts Pre-conference or Session(s)
Framing/Lead Committee -Draft Bylaws completed, under discussion
Representatives -
CA - Attempting non-legislative maneuver for MAE establishment
MD- Prince George’s County - has a new Media Arts Administrator Position
PA - Reaching out to MACE members
Working Committee Reports
MAE Organization Strategic Planning
Discussed meeting results and determined 1 - 3 Year Goals
Next Steps - Action Planning
NYMAEX - Planning for National Youth Media Expo
Web Application Proposal
Attend the next meeting! RSVP at NO NEED TO RSVP AGAIN IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY, as you will be on our Involved list. OPEN means that anyone is invited to attend. Meeting recordings and notes posted at Connect / Media Arts Committee.
SchoolArts Magazine is looking for studio lessons that incorporate media arts in some way. Please contact Nancy Walkup at for more information.
July 20, 2023
Notes from Strategic Planning and Open MAC Meetings:
MAC expanded, representational
6 Open Meetings
3 Working Committees - Framing, NYMAEX, Strategic Planning
Moving towards formal association; Shell 501c3Pro Assoc - NMAEA
ByLaws - Revising, getting advice
We are 501c3 (Young Aud, fisc sponsor)
NCAS DEI Advisory - 2 reps - will need 8 teachers by January - model lesson
+ Standards revision team
NYMAEX update - other models, partners, app? Start with webpage listing all local sites.
Some local MAE progress across states
CA Legislation or Ed Code Alignment
MAE Symposium - Dec 22/22, LAUSD - 500
3 Arts ARE Ed Townhalls
NAEA- pre-conv, sessions 2024? “Mutually beneficial relationship
Professional development for MAE teachers
Form committees and representation
Assure comprehensive representation
Assist professional artists to become credentialed teachers
Form an organization with regional reps, who hold PD events
Have a convention just as other arts ed orgs do (e.g. NAEA) Lucas Museum 2015?
Partner with other organizations to provide student experiences
Professional learning webinars- recertification of media arts teachers
Special interest groups - e.g. higher ed, private, etc. for in-depth conversations
Social networking app -, $500 yr, unlimited #s; Discussions, groups, peer 2 peer, etc.
NYMAEX - Can start small
Organized effort to develop regions, regional leaders, local corporate sponsors
Host national meetings to hear from regions and support
Also, we began discussing AI in our last MAC Meeting! Very interesting!
Next MAC Strategic Planning Meeting, Tuesday Aug 8, 1pm ET
Next Open MAC Meeting, Thursday, Aug 10, 6:30pm ET
June 9, 2023
Updates from 5th, June 8 meeting:
NEA Grant - Reimagine Standards - Equity & Inclusion - Open Call for media arts educators serving underprivileged students. To serve on National Advisory Panel. Application deadline June 23 -
MAC Framing/Lead Committee
By-Laws initiated development - complete by August?
Donations for email platform and 501c3 “shell” - CA, “Digital Arts Studios”. Thanks to Dr. William Bronston and Maria Madril Hernandez!
Possible “mini-convention” in Fall to formalize the National Association?
Representatives Updates
CA - MAE Coalition meets, strategizes for proposed legislation
MD - Barbara Liedahl appointed to Maryland Edu Advisory Board
Working Committees - Began planning with small progress. To meet again separately.
MAE Organization Strategic Planning Prep - Next Closed Meeting - Reps + Members
NYMAEX - Planning for National Youth Media Expo
May 12, 2023
Updates from 4th Open MAC Meeting:
MAC Framing/Lead Committee
Potential strategic planning facilitation - Date TBD June/Summer?
By-Laws - initiated development - complete by June?
NCAS to undergo DEI process with standards review and new curriculum
Representatives Updates
OH - Media arts licensure - needs development
CA - Organizing for MAE Legislation
PA - Met with Pennsylvania Arts Education Leadership Coalition
AL - Meet all arts education associations annual before the Alabama Arts Summit
AK - Connect with Alaska Society for Technology in Education festival
Outreach Effort
NH - Media arts group (pending)
Need Task Force to do strategic outreach - see Capacity Building Committee below
Planning for National Youth Media Arts Education Festival/ Expo NYMAEX?
View Google Prototype here
View Jamboard here
Proposed Working Committees - Look for future email to sign-up.
MAE Organization Strategic Planning Prep
NYMAEX Organization
Capacity Building
5th Open MAC Meeting, Thursday, June 8, 2023, 6:30pm ET
Tentative Agenda:
Working Committees begin working
April 14, 2023
National Youth Media Arts Education Expo (NYMAEX) Approved!
Members, Visitors and Representatives had final discussions regarding the proposed event/festival of student work. Representatives present and by proxy voted unanimously to approve proceeding to organize the event. We began a process of considering possibilities, practical implementation and challenges/solutions, to be continued.
We are encouraging everyone to make an effort to spread the word and recruit new members to our organization. Go to the Recruit webpage to learn who to contact with example email queries. Let them know to put your name when they Sign-on in support, RSVP, and/or complete the Educator’s Survey.
A newly initiated Framing Committee will develop By-Laws for the possible formalization of this organization. The committee also serves temporarily in leadership capacity to manage operations, until the completed By-Laws allow the organization to nominate officers. Framing Committee volunteers: Robb Bomboy (PA), Helen Buck-Pavlick (OH) Joyce Huser (KS), Barbara Liedahl (MD), Dain Olsen (CA).
CA Proposed Media Arts Education Legislation
If you are interested in supporting this proposed legislation in CA, contact Dain Olsen. We will be meeting soon to organize this effort.
March 10, 2023
Our 2nd Open Media Arts Committee Meeting was yesterday.
Exciting News! We are most likely going to organize a National Youth Media Arts EDU Festival (Film, Video, Anim, Music, Podcast, Photo, Graphics, TikTok…TBD)!!! This will motivate and catalyze the process of achieving our goals: Outreach, Recruitment, Networking, Advocacy, Attention, Exemplifying/Branding MAE, Amplifying Student Voice, Formalizing MAC, Organization, National Convention. Breakout groups very much supported the idea. REPs will vote on this at next meeting to make it official. Thanks to William Bronston, CA, for raising the idea of Film Festival in the last meeting. Ideas: Perhaps more of an exhibition than competition; Structure it to “self-organize" at Local / State / National (International?) levels; Possibly find high-profile partners to support, curate and exhibit national work.
NEXT 3rd OPEN Media Arts Committee Meeting - Thursday, April 13, 2023, 6:30pm ET (MAC Meetings will regularly be the 2nd Thursday of each month). RSVP TO RECEIVE LINK at NO NEED TO RSVP AGAIN IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY, as you will be on our Involved list. OPEN means that anyone is invited to attend. We will formalize later as we become more organized and gain Members and Representatives. Meeting recordings and notes posted at Connect / Media Arts Committee.
JOIN THE MEDIA ARTS COMMITTEE! SIGN UP TO BE REPs and MEMBERS by this Monday, March 13 to represent diverse aspects of MAE in decision-making: Form, region, org, grade, out of school, gender, ethnicity, etc. This window probably to open periodically TBD. You may continue to fill out the form in application with this possibility.
February 10, 2023
NEXT OPEN Media Arts Committee Meeting - Thursday, March 9, 2023, 6:30pm ET (MAC Meetings will regularly be the 2nd Thursday of each month). OPEN means that everyone is invited to attend.
Our first Open MAC Meeting yesterday was historic, and a great success! We had 60 attendees, 100+RSVPs, and 33 who signed-up for various types of involvement! We have 175 people who have stated that they want to be involved in some way. Our numbers are growing! The NMAEI is on the move. Thanks so much to the attendees and co-hosts, Barbara Liedahl and Robb Bomboy.
Attendees at the meeting got a brief overview of the NMAEI and a lot of info on how to be involved. That is summarized on the Support/Help Out page on this site, along with a form to mark your interests in involvement (not a contract). Also, breakout groups discussed their questions and other thoughts and presented. Very important ideas and issues were raised that we will continue to discuss. It was really gratifying to discuss these things, which we haven't been able to do anywhere else! Find the video, minutes and transcript at Connect / Media Arts Committee.
Our next meeting will clarify a few points about the NMAEI and MAE that came up in the meeting. We will then prioritize and form groups based on involvement interests to begin organizing. Thus, this grass roots work continues! Please join us!
January 27,2023
Due to the urgency of Proposition 28 in CA, which substantially funds “media arts” along with all K12 arts subjects, we have hastily submitted background information for proposed media arts legislation to the State Legislator's Joint Committee on the Arts for their feedback. This is the initial step in developing legislation to establish media arts as an official K12 subject area. Your comments, even if you are not in CA, are necessary to make this legislation as effective as possible. We will be having another meeting in the very near future in order to discuss the revisions for resubmission of this important document. Stay tuned!
January 11, 2022
In order to establish "Media Arts" (e.g. digital arts, multimedia, video, game design) as an official K12 subject area across the US, the Media Arts Committee (MAC) of the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards, is launching a National Media Arts Ed Initiative. If you would like to be involved in this effort, we are having a special Open Meeting, Thursday, February 9, 6:30pm ET. Please RSVP at this link to attend. You will receive a reminder and link to the Zoom meeting. Also, please read the Initiative and FAQ tabs on the website prior to attending. Email for more info.
Please distribute this information widely!
Media Arts Committee,
National Coalition for Core Arts Standards
December 21, 2022
The Media Arts Committee (MAC), who is responsible for this site and the National Media Arts Ed Initiative, are having a special meeting in early February for those who want to be actively involved in these efforts. Also, we are opening the Committee to new members and representatives of local groups and areas from around the country to organize and coordinate these efforts. See the Connect/Join MAC page for more details. If you would like to attend, sign up at this Doodle Poll (deadline Friday, January 6) to select the date. Email to be in updates for the meeting.
We have started a petition at This is in addition to our current Sign-on form on this website. This duplicates this process, but Change has extended the effort for a bit more outreach. It relatively quickly has gathered 100 signatures, so has been more effective than this website and our periodic social media and emails. However, Change limits our access to those supporters who opt in to announcements only.
The Symposium at Grand Arts High School, LAUSD, CA, on December 3, was a great success! We deeply appreciate all the presenters, organizers and school personnel who contributed to making it happen. Students, parents and educators who attended were able to experience a wide range of media arts training and presentations so they have a better understanding of media arts in education. We hope to have another Symposium in the near future. Stay tuned!
$ FOR ARTS EDU AND MEDIA ARTS! You may have heard that arts education in California received a stupendous boost in our last election. Proposition 28 guarantees 1% of the total educational budget to be dedicated to arts education in that fiscal year. This amounts to about $1 billion each year! Also, the legislation names “media arts” specifically to be included. 80% of the funding is to go to funding new arts teachers, so that means teachers of media arts will be in greater demand. We will need to develop ways to work with this momentum in advancing the discipline. You can find more details at this site.
November 11, 2022
Save the date! Seating will be by pre-registration and is limited.
Stay tuned for more details soon. Distribute this information!
“The State and Future of Media Arts Education”
As Presented by & The Media Arts Academy
450 N Grand, Los Angeles, CA, 90012
Saturday, December 3, 2022, 4:00pm - 7:30pm
The Media Arts Education Symposium 2022 is a major historical celebration of the birth of Media Arts Education (MAE), an exhibit of its current practices and benefits for students, schools and communities, and a call for its full institutional establishment in CA and across the US.
Workshops, presentations and resource booths for students and adults by educators, industry and higher-ed
Distinguished speakers regarding the state of media arts education in CA
Hands-on media arts production workshops for students
A screening of "Art and Krimes” by International Documentary Association, Q & A with the director
Netflix career expo exhibiting all aspects of the film industry
Model New Media Arts Academy program at Grand Arts HS
October 17, 2022
#mediaarts #mediaartsed #artsed #artsAREed @artsAREed #medialiteracy @MediaLiteracyEd @create_ca
NATIONAL MEDIA ARTS ARE ED TOWN HALL - October 25, 6:30pm ET, 5:30pm CT, 3:30pm PT
Media Arts Committee, NCCAS, in conjunction with Arts ARE Education, will conduct its first national webcast this October. This will be a basic introduction to media arts education (MAE), and the National Media Arts Education Initiative (NMAEI). We will provide an overview of MAE, the Initiative and goals and status and an open Q & A. The entire MAE community of teachers, artists, parents, students and supporters is invited to attend. We will make an effort to conduct regular webcasts after that.
September 22, 2022
Media Arts Committee, NCCAS is organizing the process by which new members, representatives and a general audience will be invited to attend our monthly Zoom meetings. Stay tuned for the prerequisites necessary to join MAC.
NATIONAL MEDIA ARTS ARE ED TOWN HALL - October 25, 6:30pm ET, 5:30pm CT, 3:30pm PT (Zoom link to come)
Media Arts Committee, NCCAS, in conjunction with Arts ARE Education, will conduct its first national webcast this October. This will be a basic introduction to media arts education (MAE), and the National Media Arts Education Initiative (NMAEI). We will provide an overview of MAE, the Initiative and goals and status and an open Q & A. The entire MAE community of teachers, artists, parents, students and supporters is invited to attend. We will make an effort to conduct regular webcasts after that.
CA - We are examining the process for legislation to fully establish MAE in CA - inclusion in ed code and credential, to align with existing standards, framework and course codes.
“The State and Future of Media Arts Education”
As Presented by
The Media Arts Academy
Ramon Cortines School of Visual and Performing Arts
Los Angeles Unified School District
4:30pm - 6:30pm, Saturday, December 3, 2022
The Media Arts Education Symposium will
Share current instructional practices
Exhibit student journeys and work
Exhibit industry tools, practices and reflections pertinent to education
Present the current state and envision the ultimate promise of MAE
Discuss and organize the means to advance and scale up the discipline across education
Invited to participate and attend: Students, educators, parents, community members, industry, artists, higher-education, arts organizations
Save the date! CALL FOR ENTRIES! Let us know as soon as possible your interest in involvement, presentation or participation (email below) Subject Line: "LAUSD Symposium"
PA - The Media Arts Coalition of Educators (MACE) community has been reactivated and is beginning to plan a meeting, and potentially a future convention.
June 1, 2022
We have sign-ons and surveys from many different states! I just talked to a beginning teacher in Hawaii, and she is enthusiastic to assist in her area! We are beginning to see some results of our connecting network! People are forming small groups to at least discuss the topic of MAE in CA, OR, NE, MD, and PA! If I get a group of educators from one area or region, and they have stated their interest in connecting, I'll introduce them in a group email. The initial conversation could be something like, "What do we have in common? What makes media arts unique, exciting and beneficial for students? What are our needs, goals and dreams? What is the ultimate promise of this subject area for learning and education? What would be our dream convention?"
Other updates:
Media Arts Committee has non-profit status under the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards and our fiscal sponsor, Young Audiences. We can begin to fundraise and consider what we want to accomplish. Organizing for this dream convention, possibly in the next school year, will provide us an inspiring, concrete way to begin thinking about the answers to these questions and beginning to meet and organize. I think that once the idea of MAE establishment and a professional association is really considered, this movement will gain momentum and a growing network.
PA - The Media Arts Coalition of Educators with a network of about 200 teachers and strong leadership is going to be revived from a pandemic hiatus. They had convened several times before the pandemic, and so provide solid ground to build on.
MD - Prince George's County, has a media arts specialist position, 102 media arts teachers, and several distinct courses. They are considering forming an association, possibly under their state visual arts association.
CA - LAUSD has 120-150 media arts teachers, with probably 100's more across the state. But it will be difficult to reach out to them because there is no solid means of finding them! This will be an ongoing challenge. LAUSD teachers have had one small meeting, with another to come soon. 99% of 60 teachers who answered the survey stated they would join a media arts educator association. That percentage holds with this website's survey.
Media Arts Committee is beginning to consider how MAE relates to and interrelates with existing arts associations - NAEA, NDEO, etc. We need input from media arts educators on this sort of statement. All the more reason for regional collectives to organize and provide their input.
May 6, 2022
We are continuing to make efforts to reach out to educators across the U.S. You can now see who has signed-on to support on that page. We are considering different ways to find media arts teachers and invite them into our community. For example, we are looking at social media groups and beginning to post there; downloading principal email lists and contacting them to relay a message to teachers. We are considering organizing for a future event or convention where we can share and learn from one another. Please join us!
March 23, 2022
We are just beginning to organize this effort to establish media arts education across the U.S.
Our first steps are to begin connecting with and organizing media arts educators across the U.S., finding out about their situations, informing them of the emergence of media arts education, and gauging their interest in forming a professional association. Please sign-on in support AND take the Educator's Survey. This is how we move forward!
Stay tuned for developments as they occur. Sign-on if you wish to receive email updates on our progress.
Thanks for your interest and support!